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El modelo de competencias laborales se está aplicando progresivamente en las organizaciones a nivel mundial, soportado por una gran cantidad de investigación y buenos resultados en su aplicación tanto a nivel gubernamental como privado. Las competencias emergen en el marco de la nueva realidad económica global y responden a las cambiantes condiciones del entorno en un escenario en el cual las empresas y estados han empezado a preguntarse cómo deben establecer las nuevas capacidades,conocimientos y destrezas vinculadas al trabajo de cara al futuro inmediato.

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  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.
  • Increased profits:
    The corporation will experience an increase in profits due to savings in operating costs as well as sales from new products, services and ventures.

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  • Higher business values:
    The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly.
  • Lower staff turnover:
    This, combined with the culture that must exist for innovation and creativity to flourish, means that new employees will be attracted to the organization.

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